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The Five Hundred Year Archive. Dr José Manuel De Prada. Dr María Esperanza Rock Núñez. The Five Hundred Year Archive. The present is always filled with spectres of the past, which slip in and out of view. Burdened by complex colonial and apartheid inheritances, contemporary South Africa negotiates these spectres in a highly charged manner. Monday, 18 May 2015.
Stau si privesc cerul e innorat, soarele nu se mai zareste. Desi nu il vad eu stiu ca exista undeva ascuns dupa norii negri si grosi. De multe ori m-am gandit ca unele probleme si greutati pe care le-am intampinat de-a lungul vietii nu se vor rezolva niciodata. Tu nu te-ai gandit la fel? Nu ai trecut prin situatii in care nu gaseai nici o umbra de speranta? Nu te-ai intrebat deseori de ce se intampla unele lucruri in viata ta? Ce scop au ele? De ce asteptam sa faca altcineva ceea ce putem face noi? Priet.
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